Nomadland is a Liberal Whitewashing of Poverty

Jason Myles
7 min readApr 29, 2021
NOMADLAND is a Neoliberal Whitewashing of Poverty Capitalist Exploitation

“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.”

I watched Nomadland at the request of a friend. She recommended I watch it, get back to her and we could do a podcast episode on it. She didn’t tell me anything about, and I didn’t know anything about it when she mentioned it. Nor did I want to know. For something like this I wanted to go in blind with no prejudice. I didn’t read a review, I didn’t IMDB it, just sat down after the family was sleep and just pressed play. About 10 minutes in I thought I was watching Amazon the movie. I’ve seen Cold War propaganda before, and if we’re in a new “Cold War” it’s a civil battle against labor rights and this is the Red Dawn of that fight.

I was shocked they actually shot inside an Amazon warehouse and made it look like workplace Disneyland. They could’ve used any large space in Northern Nevada (where it was supposed to take place) and found an abandoned warehouse to shoot in. Called the company something else, but no, as the camera panned to the giant Amazon sign, I knew I was going to be in for a Rocky IV type ride.

Early in the film there is a scene in where you see the main character as she struts throughout the warehouse, calmly walking and talking while she’s supposed to be working. This doesn’t look like any Amazon warehouse I’ve read or heard about (I…



Jason Myles

I scream/sing play guitar in Bitter Lake and host the This is Revolution Podcast. Oakland, CA born, Richmond raised. Words and thoughts from the Lower Bottoms.