Member-only story
The Blue MAGA Victory Lap is Based in a Delusion of Normalcy
With endorsements from Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama, it looks like Joe Biden is going to be the democratic presidential nominee. His path to victory is being trailblazed by an inept Trump administration. Trump and his merry band of comic book villains are gladly paving his road to victory by using a pandemic as a daily campaign rally. The daily White House COVID-19 briefings aren’t even shown in some markets due to the massive amounts of misinformation they possess. With a failing stock market, consumer confidence at an all time low, and an economy on standstill, it has created the perfect recipe for Trump’s downfall and now, unfortunately, the rise of another corporate Democrat in Joe Biden.
There are many voices, on all sides of the political spectrum that fear Biden’s chances in the general election against Trump. Biden, who’s currently mired in a sex scandal from 1993, and who has a political record that will live in infamy, isn’t the candidate the Democratic party should have consolidated their power to present to the American people. Some feel that his political sins will be cannon fodder for Trump. They think that Trump will use the debate stage as a bully pulpit to dismantle Biden much like he (Trump) did against Hillary Clinton in 2016. I don’t believe that to be the case.
As I’ve said before, the botched handling of the coronavirus is Trump’s Herbert Hoover moment. He can’t recover from this and he knows it. At his last press briefing/campaign rally (as I write this…